
RVT and Chihuahua

Behind Closed Doors: A Day in the Life of a Staff Member at Avon Animal Hospital

After you and your veterinarian have determined that your pet needs dental surgery, you book an appointment and arrive at the clinic.

Dog and Owner

​7 Secrets of a Highly Successful Senior Dog

As a 12-year-old English Setter to a loving outdoorsman, I spent my youth as an ambitious and athletic dog exploring Hants County’s countryside.

Dog in a beach toy

6 Cool Canine Summer Hacks

We all know the basics of keeping our pets cool as cucumbers in hot weather…

Dog with a Pest Product

7 Parasite Product “Don’ts” To Keep Your Pet Safe

Most dog and cat owners understand the importance of keeping their pets safe from parasites such as ticks, fleas and intestinal worms.