Blog: Cat

Blood samples and results

Blood Tests

Although a yearly routine physical exam can provide a lot of valuable information to the veterinarian, routine blood and urine tests are often recommended to get a complete picture of the health of your cat and alert us of any concerns that have not yet shown themselves outwardly. Routine, or…

Cat Scratching Behind Ear

Flea Control

Flea and ticks are common external parasites of cats. At best, these pests are a nuisance. At worst, they cause significant health problems in pets and people. Our climate in Nova Scotia allows fleas and ticks to live almost year-round, hence our belief that pets should now be protected year-round….

Cat in a Litter Box

Fecal Exam

All cats, whether indoor or outdoor, are at risk of becoming infected with intestinal parasites. These parasites (worms) are responsible for a variety of health concerns in cats including vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and anemia. Every so often, a cat may have signs that parasites are causing a problem (an…

Cat Being Held by Vet


A common cause of decreased health and disease in cats are internal parasites. Fecal exams performed regularly will help identify these parasites so that an appropriate dewormer can be selected.